
100 years ago, hundreds of KKK members marched through Forest Grove—and were pelted with eggs

100 years ago, hundreds of KKK members marched through Forest Grove—and were pelted with eggs

A century ago this week, the KKK marched through Forest Grove in a parade complete with a marching band and vehicles with flaming crosses. Then, "from out of the misty darkness came a volley of eggs of questionable age and character, besplattering Bandsman, Klansman, and bystanders alike."
2 min read
A century ago in Forest Grove: January 4, 1923

A century ago in Forest Grove: January 4, 1923

In this column, we take a look back one hundred years ago in Forest Grove history through the lens of newspaper clips. This week, the clips come from January 4, 1923.
1 min read
A century ago in Forest Grove: July 27, 1922

A century ago in Forest Grove: July 27, 1922

In this column, we take a look back one hundred years ago in Forest Grove history through the lens of newspaper clips. This week, the clips come from the Washington County News-Times, published July 27, 1922.
2 min read
A black-and-white photo depicting a small city street with a horse and carriage facing forward.

A century ago in Forest Grove: July 20, 1922

Take a look back one hundred years ago in Forest Grove. Featured: a "badly stove up Ford" after a milk truck crash, fire marshals visit the city, Pacific University completes a paving project, and more.
2 min read