2 min read

About News in the Grove

News in the Grove is an independent part-time news project launched in July 2022 by Chas Hundley, a western Washington County journalist born and raised in the Forest Grove area. This post will explain a bit about where we're coming from and what you can expect!
A weathered statue of a man in a suit and h sitting on a cement bench reading a newspaper
The newspaper guy statue between the Forest Grove City Library and the Forest Grove Police Station on June 1, 2021. Photo: Chas Hundley

News in the Grove is an independent news publication currently in prelaunch. Chas Hundley, a western Washington County journalist born and raised in the Forest Grove area owns and runs it. This post will explain a bit about where we're coming from and what you can expect!

Our focus right now will be arts, Forest Grove history, events and personal interest stories of Forest Grove people doing cool things in Forest Grove.

This is a side project and you should temper your expectations

This site is a side project and not a full-service newspaper - yet.

We plan to publish stories of interest to readers in Forest Grove, often pulled from relevant stories written for the Banks Post and Gales Creek Journal, two news sites we own and operate to the north and west of Forest Grove.

Ethics, corrections, and opinion


We operate under the guidelines of the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics.


A human runs this publication, and humans regrettably make errors from time to time. Any errors will be corrected as quickly as possible with a note attached to the bottom of the original story the error occurred in.

Bias & balance

Any news publication that says they operate without bias is lying. The concept of balance is too often used to artificially inflate the validity of falsehoods, and that's not how we operate. We do not give "equal time" to liars and bad actors. There are not always "two sides" that deserve equal weight. We seek truth first, and use the tools of journalism—public documents, verified photographs and videos, interviews and data—to seek the facts.

We also believe it's important to disclose bias. Here's ours:
- We are unabashedly a pro-democracy news site
- We believe governments should be transparent and advocate strongly for open meetings laws and public records laws
- We believe that democracy is strongest when citizens actively participate, be that through voting, making their voices heard in other ways, and joining local boards and commissions to steer the ship.
- We believe that people in power—be that in the public or private sector— should be held accountable for their actions.
- We stand against racism and bigotry.
- We believe news organizations should pay their journalists a living wage and treat them well, and stand firmly against the ravages of hedge-fund media organizations that treat their employees like garbage.

As paid subscriptions grow, so too will the quantity and quality of stories

When I started my first newspaper, I vastly underestimated the costs it takes to run a full-time news site. After burning through my savings, twice, I'm working toward building sustainable journalism in Oregon. I believe that's found through the support of readers who are willing to pay a fee to receive quality, locally written journalism. I also believe that the news media must innovate to survive, and I will be using this site to experiment and learn, so pardon the occasional and inevitable technological snafus.

Join us here with a subscription.


We need about 35 Forest Grove businesses, nonprofits, and organizations to get on board to help us launch this thing. Get in touch at chashundley (at) newsinthegrove.com.

About me

I was born in Forest Grove, lived on Cedar Street in a big blue and white house across from Pacific University before my parents purchased the old Gales Creek Country Store and Post Office, where we lived for eight years. I've lived in Gales Creek or Forest Grove for most of my life, attended Forest Grove High School, and pretty much lived in the Forest Grove City Library for most of my childhood.

Want to get in touch? Email me at chashundley (at) newsinthegrove.com.